Remote LLC Registration in Kazakhstan

тоо в казахстане

One of the most popular services offered by MyReloc is the remote registration of an LLC in Kazakhstan (Limited Liability Company), along with opening a business account in one of the country’s top banks.

The ability to remotely register an LLC in Kazakhstan allows you to save time, travel costs, and reduce the stress typically associated with registering a legal entity abroad. With our help, you can register an LLC with a business account completely remotely — practically without leaving your home. Just contact us.

Why LLP and Not Sole Proprietorship?

Many people wonder why choose an LLP when there’s the sole proprietorship (SP) option? Indeed, this form exists. However, under Kazakh law, only Kazakh citizens or foreign nationals with a residence permit (i.e., residents) may register as an individual entrepreneur.

Changing tax residency may not always be justified — it involves obtaining additional legal statuses and documents. The decision to do so should be well-considered.

If you already have a Kazakh residence permit, contact MyReloc — we can help you open a sole proprietorship and business account remotely. If not, we recommend opening a sole proprietorship in Kyrgyzstan.

Advantages of Registering an LLC in Kazakhstan

The LLP structure allows you to run a business while remaining a resident of Russia or Belarus, and you may apply the simplified tax regime, subject to legal restrictions. LLPs can have both individual and corporate founders, including foreign legal entities.

LLC Registration in Kazakhstan Starts with a Business Plan

It is important to evaluate the expected revenue in order to determine eligibility for the simplified tax regime. Businesses in Kazakhstan are categorized by annual turnover and staff size:

CategoryAnnual Turnover (KZT)Employees
Microbusinessless than 95,400,000up to 15
Small businessless than 954,000,000up to 100
Medium business954,000,000 – 9.54B100–250
Large businessover 9.54 billionover 250

As of April 1, 2024, one Monthly Calculation Index (MCI) is 3,692 KZT.

Activities Not Allowed under the Simplified Tax Regime

Some activities are restricted under the simplified tax regime for small businesses. These include:

  • Mining
  • Gambling
  • Audit services
  • Trading excisable goods
  • Private security
  • Weapon sales

To qualify, the LLC must meet the following criteria:

  • Semiannual revenue not exceeding 24,038 MCI (~76.4M KZT as of June 2022)
  • No structural subdivisions
  • Founders not involved in other companies using the simplified tax system
  • Legal entities may not hold more than 25% of the LLP

Key Taxes for LLCs in Kazakhstan

  • Corporate Income Tax (CIT) — 20% of taxable income (income minus business expenses). For lower tax rates, consider opening an LLC in Kyrgyzstan, where the rate is only 10%.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT) — 12%. Mandatory for companies whose annual revenue exceeds 30,000 MCI (≈103.5M KZT in 2024).
  • Social Tax — 9.5% of the total salary fund. Used to support Kazakhstan’s social security system.
  • Personal Income Tax (PIT) — 10%. Withheld from employee salaries and paid by the employer to the state.

Tax Benefits for Small Businesses

Kazakhstan offers tax incentives for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). LLPs that qualify as small businesses may use the simplified tax regime, paying a flat 3% tax on gross income. Eligibility depends on revenue and staff size.

Turnkey LLC Registration Process Kazakhstan with MyReloc

We handle every step of remote LLC registration:

  1. Obtain IIN and/or BIN for all founders
  2. Choose a company name (Kazakh, Russian, and English)
  3. Define your legal address (owned or leased)
  4. Estimate your expected turnover for simplified tax eligibility
  5. Decide on charter capital (can be zero for small business)
  6. Prepare foundation resolution and charter (in Kazakh and Russian)
  7. Obtain digital signatures (EDS) for all founders
  8. Submit documents to the Public Service Center (TsON)
  9. Receive LLP registration certificate
  10. Choose a bank and tariff plan
  11. Open a business account remotely
  12. Get a full document package and business card by mail

We will consult you, prepare documents, and register your LLC by power of attorney (a scanned copy is sufficient).
Registering an LLC in Kazakhstan allows you to move your business into a neutral jurisdiction, preserving your income and opening new opportunities in foreign markets with free movement of capital.

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